
Creating a Project

The fastest way to get started is to use the Quickstart feature.

First, create a directory for your project:

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

Now, run the Buckaroo quickstart command:

buckaroo quickstart

This command will generate a hello-world application, folders for your source-code and a Buck build file. Buckaroo does not require a particular project layout, so feel free to tweak the Buck file.

Let’s verify that the project is working as expected:

buck run :my-project

You now have everything ready to start installing dependencies.

Adding a dependency

Once you have a project file, we can start adding dependencies. Let’s add range-v3 by Eric Niebler. range-v3 is a powerful range library for C++ 11 and up.

buckaroo install ericniebler/range-v3

Buckaroo will have downloaded the range-v3 source-code from GitHub and installed it locally in your project folder. We can now use the library in a sample application!

Sample Application

Our example requires some C++ 14 features, so if your compiler does not enable them by default we will need to update the project’s BUCK file.

Update BUCK to:


  name = 'my-project',
  header_namespace = 'my-project',
  srcs = glob([
  headers = subdir_glob([
    ('my-project/include', '**/*.hpp'),
    ('my-project/include', '**/*.h'),
  compiler_flags = [

Now, let’s update the main.cpp file to a simple range-v3 example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>

int main() {
  auto const xs = std::vector<int>({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
  auto const ys = xs
    | ranges::view::transform([](auto x) { return x * x; })
    | ranges::to_vector;
  for (auto const& i : ys) {
    std::cout << i << std::endl;
  return 0;

Run the project again and you will see a list of square numbers, computed by range-v3.

buck run :my-project


If you are tracking your project with Git, add the following to your .gitignore:


Explore Buckaroo

range-v3 is just one of the many packages already available for Buckaroo. You can browse them on buckaroo.pm or request more on the wishlist.