Command Line Interface

Buckaroo provides a command-line interface for managing your project’s dependencies. The following commands are the recommended way to use Buckaroo.


buckaroo init

Init is used to generate a project file in the current directory.


buckaroo quickstart

Quickstart is similar to Init, but also generates the necessary boiler-plate for a new C++ project. You should use Quickstart when starting a new project.


buckaroo install google/gtest

Install can be used to add dependencies to your project.

If you do not supply a module name, then the existing dependencies of the project are fetched and installed.

buckaroo install


buckaroo uninstall google/gtest

Uninstall can be used to remove a dependency from your project. Note that the remaining dependencies are recomputed since their resolved versions may have changed as a result.


buckaroo upgrade

Upgrades the cook-books installed on your system. This allows you to use benefit from recipe improvements, additions and fixes since you first installed Buckaroo.


buckaroo version

Outputs the version of Buckaroo that is installed.


buckaroo help